Writing that gets to the heart of your business

Get clear, concise and compelling content and copy that speaks to your audience and inspires them to take action. With more than 15 years of editorial and marketing experience, Greenlight Content crafts high-impact writing that will leave a lasting impression.


Hamilton Literacy Council
City of Hamilton
Hamilton City Magazine
TouchPoints Learning


Brand messaging strategy
Brand messaging strategy
No idea where to start? I got you covered. You’ll get a comprehensive brand messaging strategy that includes brand positioning, brand tone of voice, content pillars, content types and more. One sweet little package, all wrapped up.
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Website copywriting
Website copywriting
Are the words on your site feeling tired and uninspired? Let me revive them. We'll start from scratch for a fresh new feel. Let’s work together to hone your brand voice and create truly compelling content.
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Email marketing & newsletters
Email marketing & newsletters
Keeping your customers informed is crucial - but too many newsletters are all, ‘Me, me, me’. We’ll help you create a useful and engaging newsletter to keep open and click rates sky-high.
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Case study creation
Case study creation
Let your clients do the selling for you by showcasing the real-world benefits of your products and services. We'll deliver a robust client success story that's guaranteed to build credibility and trust.
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Blog writing
Blog writing
A blog is a wonderful thing - but it takes time, creativity and consistency to keep it up-to-date. We’ll develop a blogging schedule, write your posts and even upload your blogs. And then we can watch those pageviews roll in.
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HubSpot consultancy
HubSpot consultancy
Unlock the full potential of this incredibly powerful sales and marketing automation software. We're a certified HubSpot Provider with of ton of experience to help get the job done.
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“One of the smoothest copywriting processes I've experienced - and with the best results. Vanessa's writing has energy and brightness.”

AJ Sivam, Director, Brand & Public Affairs, BHive

“Vanessa does what she says she'll do and delivers when she says she will. It's a delight to work with her.”

Janice Francisco, Associate Director, TouchPoints Learning

"From concept and interviews to drafting and layout, Vanessa does a wonderful job. She's an excellent copywriter and is an absolute pleasure to work with.

Josh Hiemstra, Marketing Segment Manager, IPEX

“Working with Greenlight Content has been an extremely enjoyable experience. Vanessa's writing skills matched with her wit and humour is top notch.”

Keith Russell, Senior Business Development Officer, City of Hamilton

“Vanessa is the epitome of a professional journalist and is impeccable in her approach to each and every assignment.”

Marc Skulnick, Editor, Hamilton City Magazine
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Headshot of Vanessa Green

I’m Vanessa Green, a copywriter and content marketer who gets shit done.

I love writing. I’ve been doing it in various guises for more than 20 years. It is my passion in both work and life.

Show me your creds, you say? I have an honours degree in Journalism & History from the University of King’s College in Halifax, Nova Scotia (my home away from home).

Throughout my career, I’ve been a copywriter, editor, content director, content strategist, you name it. If it involves words, I’ve been all over it.

Working in both Canada and the UK, I’ve written for blue-chip brands like Rogers, Bell, Tesco, Yahoo, British Airways, and HubSpot. I’ve also written for companies big and small and for international marketing agencies.

Today, I’m dedicated to helping businesses craft and hone their copy, content and brand messaging.

The techie stuff: I have experience with all Microsoft programs, Photoshop, HTML & CSS and proprietary content marketing systems. I’ve also used out-of-the-box platforms like WordPress, Webflow & Squarespace. I am a HubSpot Provider and have been using the platform for more than a decade. I also have extensive SEO and PPC experience, and I’ve run ad campaigns on all major social media platforms.

I currently live in Hamilton, Ontario, with my husband Tim, two sons and mini-Goldendoodle, Indy.

OK, enough about me. Tell me about you.

Make me famous!

Want help crafting killer copy for your next campaign? You know what to do. Just fill in the form and I’ll be in touch sharpish.
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